Thursday, June 21, 2012

Week Five - Virtual Internship

SO, Here I am researching Twitter for people/hastags/businesses dealing with MakeUp and Beauty, when Twitter decides to shut down! So dependent on this amazing networking site, I was stuck on how to continue! Unfamiliar with the MakeUp and Beauty field, I'm totally lost on how to get the bulk of my research done, other than placing MakeUp and Beauty in a search engine and hope I get lucky!

Luckily, this is one of the many reasons, I wanted Needed to do an internship, so I could get questions and problems like these answered and solved!

This week's assignment was to create a vision board for the next three years of my life. The key to this assignment is to make it as detailed as possible, after all it's the plan for YOUR life. My board begins with the fall of my senior year (pause. Insert Mini Senior Year Celebration Here! Axe 'Em Jacks!).

The board specifies what my GPA will be at the end of the semester, as well as, jobs and organizations I plan to participate in during the Fall semester. During this time, I designated what days I will dedicate to my client and what exactly would be done during those days.

The board continues with Christmas break and the beginning of my job search. Perfect time to introduce myself to companies, and make them aware of my graduation status in May. Another break the board goes into detail with is Spring Break. My goal, even before the vision board was constructed, was to have a job offer the week after Spring Break. Farfetched? Not at all! A few of my classmates were in class at the BEGINNING of the Spring semesters with job offers, so believing that all things are possible, I will be sitting in class mid March with employers knowing my name, graduation status, and capability of getting the job done!

I am familiar with many of the websites to find communication jobs, particularly in the Dallas/Houston area of Texas, such as,  Hoojobs, PRSA, HigheredJobs, and Indeed to name a few. Along with these websites I listed apartments in the surrounding area at a reasonable amount. There's nothing like finding the perfect job, them wanting you to start ASAP, and you don't have a clue of where you're going to stay.

On the vision board, I also discuss the future of Creatively Dream, my Freelancing PR company, as well as, the future interactions with capDIVAting ARTistry.

Overall, the vision board was a great idea! As soon as I finish adding all the details to the PowerPoint, I'll put it on an actual board for visual display to keep my "eye on the prize."

I have to admit, I had seriously doubts about making a career out of the public relations field, but with the guidance of this internship, I feel confident in my future!

Side note:
I will definitely be interacting in the  Chat Next Monday at 9pm. This weeks topic: Parents: Friend or Foe in Your Job Search! It's sure to be an interesting discussion!
Can't wait to blog about this discussion!

-Creatively Dream 

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